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Souza, D. F.; Clemente, W. R. Henning F.; Solé-Cava A. M.,. From fish-markets to restaurants: substitution prevalence along the flatfish commercialization chain in Brazil. Fisheries Research, 2021. Vol 243.

Salles, T.S.; SA Guimaraes, T. E.; Souza, D.F.; Lopez, S. B. G; Alvarenga, E.S.L; Franco, T.A. ; Melo, A.C.A. ; Soares, M.R. ; Ferreira, D.F. ; Moreira, M.F. Quantitative Dengue Serotyping: The Development of a Higher Performance Method Using SYBR Green Assay. Archives of clinical microbiology, 2017. Vol. 8 No. 4:55

Manuscripts in Preparation

Alvarenga, M.; Souza, D.S.; Vasconcelos, A.T.; Solé-Cava, A. and Henning, F. Expanding the molecular toolkits for the

identification of elasmobranchs products: target-enrichment as an efficient tool for mitogenome sequencing. Molecular Ecology


Souza, D.S.; Alvarenga, M.; Vasconcelos, A.T.; Henning, F. and Solé-Cava. From "Data deficient" to "Threatened": The complete mitochondrial genome of seven Pleronectiformes (Actinopterygii class) species, a group with several lacks on molecular databases and trends of population decreasing. Conservation Genetics Resources.

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